My Training Academy Refer A Friend Programme Terms and Conditions

The Refer A Friend programme(1) provides a reward(2) sent to a referrer (existing customer) and discounted courses on the first order to the referee (the friend).

  • Referer (existing customer) will receive an eGift Card as a reward(2) 30 days after a successful qualifying order which resulted from a successful referral.
    For a definition of ‘successful referral', please keep reading.
    The value of the eGift Card will be £5 or $5 or €5 depending on which region you choose.
    • Amazon UK - The value of the eGift Card will be £5
    • Amazon USA - The value of the eGift Card will be $5
    • Amazon European countries - The value of the eGift Card will be €5
  • Referee (friend) will receive a 10% discount off their first order(3).

Your Acceptance of these terms and conditions will be indicated by clicking on the ‘Get Started’ icon.

Qualification for the Reward

  • Referrer (existing customer): To be eligible for the reward(2), a ‘successful referral’ is a Referee (friend) that uses your unique referral link to sign up to our website and results in a successful qualifying order by a referee. The successful qualifying order is subject to the order not being cancelled, voided, refunded or disputed.
  • Referee (friend): To be eligible for the 10% discount(3), a Referee (friend) must use the Referrer's (existing customers) unique referral link to sign up to our website. The discounted offer price will then be automatically added to the basket.

The Reward

Referrers (existing customers) eligible for a reward following a successful referral will be sent a unique link to a third-party vendor’s website to redeem an Amazon e-Voucher for the reward value, after 30 days of qualifying for the reward.

The reward is non-negotiable and non-exchangeable.

Instructions and terms for how to redeem e-Vouchers for the individual retailers are available on the fulfilment website when you select your e-Voucher.

The link to redeem your e-Voucher will expire after 90 days.

You acknowledge that we will share your personal data with our third-party vendor and any retailer you chose to redeem your voucher with, for the purposes of your reward redemption.

 General Terms and Conditions

Referral attempts that do not use the referral link mechanism will not qualify for the reward.

Untracked referrals cannot be later added or retrospectively tracked, so please ensure the correct link is used.

  • Referrer (existing customer). There is no limit to the number of referrals that can be made by a Referrer (existing customer). Only one reward(2) per Referee (friend) is offered.
  • Referee (friend). The 10% discount(3) is available for the first order when the referral link has been correctly used.

Referral links can be shared by any means online provided that this does not involve paid advertising or the unauthorised use of the My Training Academy brand or intellectual property.

The Referrer (existing customer) and the Referee (friend) cannot be the same person.

Any unauthorised use will result in removal from the Refer A Friend programme(1).

Refer A Friend incentives are issued at the discretion of My Training Academy, and any attempts to game or exploit the system will result in removal from the Refer A Friend programme(1).

This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Any decision made by My Training Academy with regards to this programme is final.

  1. My Training Academy reserves the right to terminate the Refer A Friend programme at any time and without notice.
  2. My Training Academy reserves the right to change the reward at any time and without notice.
  3. My Training Academy reserves the right to exclude any product from the discounted price offered at any time and without notice.

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - UK

  1. Amazon Gift Card for £5 via the link in this offer only.
  2. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this offer.
  3. This offer is valid until withdrawn.
  4. This offer is not available for purchases made via the telephone or in-store.
  5. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to withdraw this offer if we believe that the terms of the offer are being abused in any way.
  6. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to ask for the order reference that is sent via email after purchase to verify the sale.
  7. This offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time.
  8. This Promotion cannot be combined with any other voucher, offer, and discount or promotion code and may not be redeemed for cash. If this is used alongside another offer or discount you will not be eligible for the offer. You will be sent instructions on how to choose your Reward 30 days from the date of your purchase. You will then have 90 days to claim your Reward by sending it to your email or mobile phone.
  9. Only one Reward will be delivered per person.
  10. Please check the redemption instructions and terms and conditions of your chosen reward.
  11. Rewards should be treated like cash and kept securely. They cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
  12. Please see terms here:

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - US

  1. Amazon Gift Card for $5 via the link in this offer only.
  2. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this offer.
  3. This offer is valid until withdrawn.
  4. This offer is not available for purchases made via the telephone or in-store.
  5. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to withdraw this offer if we believe that the terms of the offer are being abused in any way.
  6. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to ask for the order reference that is sent via email after purchase to verify the sale.
  7. This offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time.
  8. This Promotion cannot be combined with any other voucher, offer, and discount or promotion code and may not be redeemed for cash. If this is used alongside another offer or discount you will not be eligible for the offer. You will be sent instructions on how to choose your Reward 30 days from the date of your purchase. You will then have 90 days to claim your Reward by sending it to your email or mobile phone.
  9. Only one Reward will be delivered per person.
  10. Please check the redemption instructions and terms and conditions of your chosen reward.
  11. Rewards should be treated like cash and kept securely. They cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
  12. Please see terms here:

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - FR

  1. Carte-cadeau Amazon pour €5 via le lien de cette offre uniquement.
  2. Veuillez contacter pour toute requête concernant cette offre.
  3. Cette offre est valable jusqu'à son retrait.
  4. Cette offre n'est pas disponible sur téléphone ou en magasin.
  5. L'émetteur (Giftcloud) et le détaillant (My Training Academy) se réservent le droit de retirer cette offre si nous pensons que les conditions de l'offre sont abusées de quelque manière que ce soit.
  6. L'émetteur (Giftcloud) et le détaillant (My Training Academy) se réservent le droit de demander la référence de la commande qui est envoyée par e-mail après l'achat pour vérifier la vente.
  7. Cette offre peut être retirée ou modifiée à tout moment.
  8. Cette promotion ne peut être combinée à aucun autre bon, offre et code de réduction ou de promotion et ne peut être échangée contre de l'argent. Si cela est utilisé avec une autre offre ou une réduction, vous ne serez pas éligible à l'offre. Vous recevrez des instructions sur la façon de choisir votre récompense dans les 30 jours suivant la date de votre achat. Vous aurez ensuite 90 jours pour réclamer votre récompense en l'envoyant sur votre e-mail ou votre téléphone portable.
  9. Une seule récompense peut être remise par personne.
  10. Veuillez vérifier les instructions d'échange et les conditions générales de la récompense que vous avez choisie.
  11. Les récompenses doivent être traitées comme de l'argent et conservées en sécurité. Elles ne peuvent pas être remplacées en cas de perte ou de vol.
  12. Les bons de récompense ne sont disponibles que pour les achats en ligne effectués via cette page d'inscription au bon de réduction sur ce site Web des éditeurs ou par le courriel “Une mise à jour sur votre cadeau” de Les commandes effectuées par téléphone ou via le chat Web ne sont pas éligibles.
  13. Trouvez les conditions générales d' ici -

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - DE

  1. Amazon Gift Card für €5 nur über den Link in diesem Angebot.
  2. Bei Fragen, Probleme oder Anregungen zu deinem Angebot wende dich bitte an
  3. Dieses Angebot gilt bis zum Widerruf.
  4. Das Angebot gilt nicht auf Käufe über Telefon oder im Geschäft.
  5. Der Emittent (Giftcloud) und der Einzelhändler (My Training Academy) haben das Recht, dieses Angebot zurückzuziehen, wenn wir der Ansicht sind, dass die Bedingungen des Angebots in irgendeiner Weise missbraucht werden.
  6. Der Emittent (Giftcloud) und der Einzelhändler (My Training Academy) haben das Recht, nach der Bestellnummer zu fragen, die nach dem Kauf per E-Mail gesendet wird, um den Verkauf zu überprüfen.
  7. Das Angebot kann jederzeit zurückgezogen oder geändert werden.
  8. Diese Aktion kann nicht mit anderen Gutscheinen, Angeboten, Rabatten oder Aktionscodes kombiniert werden und kann möglicherweise nicht gegen Bargeld eingelöst werden. Wenn dies zusammen mit einem anderen Angebot oder Rabatt verwendet wird, sind Sie nicht für das Angebot berechtigt. Sie erhalten 30 Tage nach dem Kaufdatum Anweisungen zur Auswahl Ihrer Prämie. Sie haben dann 90 Tage Zeit, um Ihre Prämie in Anspruch zu nehmen, indem Sie sie an Ihre E-Mail oder Ihr Mobiltelefon senden.
  9. Pro Person kann nur eine Prämie einlösen.
  10. Bitte lies dir die Einlöseanweisungen und die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der ausgewählten Prämie genau durch.
  11. Prämien sind wie Bargeld zu behandeln und müssen sicher aufbewahrt werden. Sie können bei Verlust oder Diebstahl nicht ersetzt werden.
  12. Prämiengutscheine sind nur für Online-Einkäufe verfügbar, die über diese Anmeldeseite für Gutscheine auf dieser Publishers-Website oder über die E-Mail „Ein Update für Ihr Geschenk“ von getätigt werden. Bestellungen, die am Telefon oder per Webchat getätigt werden, sind nicht berechtigt.
  13. Finde Bedingungen und Konditionen von hier –

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - ES

  1. Tarjeta de regalo de Amazon por €5 a través del enlace en esta oferta únicamente.
  2. Por favor, contacte si tiene alguna consulta respecto a esta oferta.
  3. Esta oferta es válida hasta que se retire.
  4. Oferta no disponible para compras realizadas telefónicamente o en la tienda.
  5. El emisor (Giftcloud) y el minorista (My Training Academy) tienen el derecho de retirar esta oferta si creemos que se está abusando de los términos de la oferta de alguna manera.
  6. GEl emisor (Giftcloud) y el minorista (My Training Academy) tienen el derecho de solicitar la referencia del pedido que se envía por correo electrónico después de la compra para verificar la venta.
  7. Esta oferta podría ser retirada o modificada en cualquier momento.
  8. Esta promoción no se puede combinar con ningún otro cupón, oferta, descuento o código de promoción y no se puede canjear por efectivo. Si se utiliza junto con otra oferta o descuento, no será elegible para la oferta. Se le enviarán instrucciones sobre cómo elegir su Recompensa 30 días después de la fecha de su compra. Luego, tendrá 90 días para reclamar su Recompensa enviándola a su correo electrónico o teléfono móvil.
  9. Solo un reward será entregado por persona.
  10. Consulte las intrucciones de canjeo y los términos y condiciones de su tarjeta de regalo escogida.
  11. Los rewards deberán ser tratados como dinero y guardados de forma segura. No serán remplazados en caso de pérdida o robo.
  12. Encuentre las condiciones generales de aquí:

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - IT

  1. Buono regalo Amazon per €5 solo tramite il link in questa offerta.
  2. Si prega di contattare se avete domande su questa offerta.
  3. Questa offerta è valida fino al ritiro.
  4. Questa offerta non è disponibile per gli acquisti effettuati tramite telefono o in negozio.
  5. L'emittente (Giftcloud) e il rivenditore (My Training Academy) hanno il diritto di ritirare questa offerta se riteniamo che i termini dell'offerta siano stati abusati in qualsiasi modo.
  6. L'emittente (Giftcloud) e il rivenditore (My Training Academy) hanno il diritto di chiedere il riferimento dell'ordine che viene inviato tramite e-mail dopo l'acquisto per verificare la vendita.
  7. Questa offerta può essere ritirata o modificata in qualsiasi momento.
  8. Questa promozione non può essere combinata con nessun altro buono, offerta e codice sconto o promozione e non può essere convertita in denaro. Se questo viene utilizzato insieme a un'altra offerta o sconto, non sarai idoneo per l'offerta. Ti verranno inviate le istruzioni su come scegliere il tuo Premio 30 giorni dalla data di acquisto. Avrai quindi 90 giorni di tempo per richiedere il tuo premio inviandolo alla tua email o al tuo cellulare.
  9. Verrà consegnato un solo premio per persona.
  10. Controlla le istruzioni di rimborso e i termini e le condizioni del premio scelto.
  11. I premi devono essere trattati come denaro contante e conservati in modo sicuro. Non possono essere sostituiti in caso di smarrimento o furto.
  12. I voucher premio sono disponibili solo per gli acquisti online effettuati tramite questa pagina di iscrizione voucher su questo sito Web degli editori o l'e-mail "Un aggiornamento sul tuo regalo" da Gli ordini completati al telefono o tramite chat web non sono idonei.
  13. Trova le condizioni generali di qui:

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - AUS

  1. Amazon Gift Card for $5 via the link in this offer only.
  2. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this offer.
  3. This offer is valid until withdrawn.
  4. This offer is not available for purchases made via the telephone or in-store.
  5. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to withdraw this offer if we believe that the terms of the offer are being abused in any way.
  6. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to ask for the order reference that is sent via email after purchase to verify the sale.
  7. This offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time.
  8. This Promotion cannot be combined with any other voucher, offer, and discount or promotion code and may not be redeemed for cash. If this is used alongside another offer or discount you will not be eligible for the offer. You will be sent instructions on how to choose your Reward 30 days from the date of your purchase. You will then have 90 days to claim your Reward by sending it to your email or mobile phone.
  9. Only one Reward will be delivered per person.
  10. Please check the redemption instructions and terms and conditions of your chosen reward.
  11. Rewards should be treated like cash and kept securely. They cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
  12. Please see terms here:

Amazon Gift Card Terms and Conditions - CA

  1. Amazon Gift Card for $5 via the link in this offer only.
  2. Please contact if you have any queries regarding this offer.
  3. This offer is valid until withdrawn.
  4. This offer is not available for purchases made via the telephone or in-store.
  5. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to withdraw this offer if we believe that the terms of the offer are being abused in any way.
  6. The issuer (Giftcloud), and the retailer (My Training Academy) holds the right to ask for the order reference that is sent via email after purchase to verify the sale.
  7. This offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time.
  8. This Promotion cannot be combined with any other voucher, offer, and discount or promotion code and may not be redeemed for cash. If this is used alongside another offer or discount you will not be eligible for the offer. You will be sent instructions on how to choose your Reward 30 days from the date of your purchase. You will then have 90 days to claim your Reward by sending it to your email or mobile phone.
  9. Only one Reward will be delivered per person.
  10. Please check the redemption instructions and terms and conditions of your chosen reward.
  11. Rewards should be treated like cash and kept securely. They cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
  12. Please see terms here:


By clicking on the ‘get started’ icon you acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions of this Agreement, understand them and agree to be bound by them.

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