What are the COSHH Requirements in a School?

There are many working environments where hazardous substances can be found in various forms. This includes schools, which can be home to a wide variety of hazardous substances. It is not just areas such as chemistry labs in schools that house these substances – they can also be found in many other areas of the school as they are used for a wide variety of purposes such as cleaning and carrying out decorating and repairs at the facility.

As with any employer, educational authorities must ensure that any hazardous substances are controlled, and this is why all employees who handle these substances must receive proper training. This comes in the form of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations) training, which covers many different things relating to the handling, use, and storage of hazardous chemicals and substances.

It is the responsibility of school leaders to provide employees with access to COSHH training so that they can safely carry out their duties, and they can protect themselves and other people in the school environment. In cases where the person is not employed directly by the school, there must be someone who can check that they have received the necessary training.


Some of the Key Requirements

Health and safety are of paramount importance in school settings and adhering to COSHH requirements is a vital part of this.

It is important to be aware of the COSHH requirements in schools, and most educational facilities are likely to be affected by these regulations. School employers need to ensure that the risks associated with hazardous substances are properly managed so that both employees and students are protected. These substances may be used in lessons or as part of the cleaning and maintenance of the school.

Some of the key requirements relating to COSHH in schools are:


Products Used for Cleaning

One of the common uses of hazardous chemicals and substances in schools is when cleaning is carried out. Cleaning in schools has to be done regularly and thoroughly, and a range of products are used to perform this task including hazardous chemicals. In addition, these substances are used in large quantities because of the size of some schools, as all parts of the school must be cleaned for the protection of staff and students.

Whether you have cleaners that are employed by the school or whether you contract the cleaning out, it is vital that those carrying out the cleaning have the necessary COSHH training. If you do not directly employ your cleaning staff, it is not the school’s responsibility to arrange the training, but it is the school’s responsibility to check the credentials of cleaners to ensure they are trained.

In all environments, it is important that cleaning staff are aware of the dangers and risks of hazardous substances. This is particularly important in places like schools where there are children that need to be protected as well as the cleaners themselves and members of staff. Everything from the use of these substances to their transportation and storage must be done with the utmost care by cleaning staff.

If you have outside cleaners that come in, they may bring their own cleaning materials rather than ones supplied by the school. If this is the case, it is important that there is a delegated person who can check these cleaning supplies as well as look into the training status and credentials of the cleaners. The delegated person or people must also make sure that the work environment is safe for the cleaners and that they have access to equipment such as PPE for their protection and safety.


The Use of Hazardous Substances in School Labs

Another area of the school where you are likely to find various hazardous substances is in laboratories. It is vital for schools to ensure measures are put into place for the safety and protection of staff and students in these classroom environments. Lessons such as chemistry may involve the use of a lot of hazardous substances, and those involved in teaching in these lessons must be properly trained when it comes to controlling them.

It is important that teachers in laboratory environments have a solid understanding of hazardous substance control and why this is so important. This information must be provided to students by the teaching staff prior to them being given access to any of these substances. Teaching staff must also know what to do if there is a serious incident involving these substances.

In short, anyone that has to handle or come into contact with hazardous chemicals in the laboratory needs to be made aware of both the risks and of health and safety measures such as the importance of using PPE.


Hazardous Substances in Design and Technology Workrooms

The use of hazardous substances is also common in design and technology workrooms within schools. So, this is another area of the school environment where strict measures and controls are needed in order to protect staff and students.

A range of potentially hazardous products may be used in this type of classroom such as paint, glue, and other substances that could be harmful to health. Those that teach in these classrooms may be exposed to these on a daily basis, and they need to protect themselves and the students that they are teaching. It is important that they know the risks associated with the substances and are trained in the handling and control of the substances.

Again, it is vital that the teaching staff ensures that students who handle and use these products and substances are also aware of the risks, how they can affect their health, and how to keep themselves safe. Control measures such as opening windows or providing PPE must be put into place by teaching staff. In addition, they must be aware of what to do in the event of an emergency.


An Essential Undertaking

These are among the key requirements when it comes to COSHH in schools, and it is essential that there is a person responsible for making sure these measures are implemented and adhered to. Risk assessments must be carried out to identify all hazardous substances and put the necessary control measures into place.


Online COSHH Course

Our online COSHH course has been designed for those handling potentially hazardous substances in the workplace. It will introduce users to the COSHH legislation and help them to identify substances that are harmful to health and how to apply the appropriate controls needed to prevent or reduce exposure to them.


The course, which can be completed in as little as 60 minutes, provides the user with a printable certificate upon completion of the end-of-course test.