Learn Excel at Home

Whether you are looking to progress your career or simply want a simple way to carry out administrative tasks at home, using Microsoft platforms can prove invaluable. Many of us are familiar with Microsoft WORD, and we use it on a regular basis both for work and personal use. However, when it comes to Microsoft Excel, many people struggle to get their heads around this platform.

Familiarity and experience with Microsoft Excel can help you in many ways. You can set up and use spreadsheets at home for various things such as budgeting, and it can prove particularly useful when it comes to your career. There are many jobs, such as those involving administrative duties, that require candidates to have a good knowledge of Excel. So, it is well worth learning how to use this platform properly.

The good news is that you can learn to use Excel from the comfort and privacy of your own home with the right courses. There are specialist online courses that are ideal for those who have little or no experience with Excel such as the My Training Academy beginner’s course in Excel. For those who already have some familiarity with Excel, there are also other options such as the more advanced complete Microsoft Excel course.


Learning from the Comfort of Your Own Home

If you want to know how to learn Excel at home, there are some key tips that can help you. By familiarising yourself with this platform and getting to grips with how to use it, you can enjoy the benefits of having access to a very useful tool.

There are lots of reasons why you should consider learning Excel from home, and a lot of people have benefitted from doing this. For those that want to make life easier both at home and when it comes to their job, learning Excel can make a big difference. There is far more to Excel than just creating tables and spreadsheets, as it can also be used for things such as performing complex mathematical functions and for the creation of images.

By learning from home, you also have the added benefit of being able to study at your own pace and in your own time. This is ideal if you have other commitments such as work or family to deal with.

Some tips to help you when it comes to learning Excel at home are:


Dabble and Practise

One of the things you should do if you want to learn Excel at home is to practise with the various functions that this platform offers. You can do a huge amount with Excel, and a lot of people do not realise this because they think it is all about spreadsheets and very little else. So, if you want to get to grips with the full functionality of Excel, you should take some time to dabble and try your hand at the different functions that it offers.

For instance, you can practise doing the basics such as creating spreadsheets, and this is a function that you will find very useful in your personal life as well as your work life. You can also have a go at dealing with basic mathematical calculations using Excel, which will help you to gain confidence in using the platform and give you a better understanding of it. Try your hand at creating tables using Excel as well, as this is something that many people use it for. In addition, take some time to learn about creating charts using the platform.

Simply trying your hand at the different functions that Excel offers will enable you to feel more comfortable and confident about using it. You can then work on honing your skills by continuing to practise with the various options available.


Take a Specialist Online Course

Another thing that is definitely worth considering is doing a specialist online course in Excel. The good news is that there are courses available for total beginners as well as for those with a basic knowledge of Excel but who want to advance their skills. You can learn a huge amount from doing these courses, and they will enable you to learn more about the platform in a more structured way while still practising from the comfort of your own home.

With online Excel courses, you can study and practise at a time that suits you, and this is something that will prove ideal if you have a lot of other things to deal with on a day-to-day basis. You will be able to learn at your own pace and at any time of the day or night, and you can develop your Excel skills over time. By taking a course from a reputable provider, you can get to grips with Excel more quickly and with greater confidence.

Once you have completed your course, you should be able to do far more with Excel, or if you are a beginner, you will have a firm grasp of the basics. This will then enable you to make the most of this very useful platform.


Earn a Qualification

By earning a qualification in Excel, you will not only improve your knowledge and skills when it comes to using the platform, but you will also have proven knowledge of your experience. By getting an Excel certification, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you have the skills necessary to use Excel proficiently at work.

With many employers seeking candidates with this type of experience and qualification, this is something that can stand you in good stead when it comes to getting work and career progression. For jobs in areas such as administration, this can play a big part in your success.


Reap the Rewards

Once you have completed a course and gained qualifications in Excel, you can reap the rewards in many ways. Not only will you be able to make the most of this platform to help organise your life at home, but you can also use it to work toward a brighter future in terms of your career.